You may have seen the social media posts or heard the exciting news from a friend but here’s our official announcement to let you know that Timothy 2020 is happening from the comfort of your home! We at Ontario Camping Ministries did not want to miss the opportunity to invest in young people and see them grow in leadership and their relationship with Jesus. We greatly value the community and friendships that are built at camp and look forward to connecting face to face in a new way. Find out all you need to know about what Timothy 1 & 2 will look like this summer below.
July 6 – August 14, 2020 – weekdays – schedule to be sent with welcome package.
How to apply
There are limited spots for both programs so make sure to apply asap! If you’ve already applied for the Timothy program, you do not need to fill out a new application.
Timothy 1 has 20 spots available (10 girls and 10 guys).
Timothy 2 is currently reserved for those who already applied, but you can be added to a waiting list by emailing ocm@can.salvationarmy.org
Timothy 1:
Tim 1 (2020) is a 6-week virtual Leadership Development Program fostering the fundamental characteristics of the traditional Timothy Program and Ontario Camping Ministries. Timothy 1 campers will learn about themselves and will be introduced to spiritual disciplines of prayer, worship, journaling, service, and more. Campers are mentored by peers and camp leadership, and engage in building community, serving community, and supporting the overseas mission work of The Salvation Army.
Timothy 1’s will participate in:
- One on One Mentoring: Once a week, campers will meet with a Timothy leader to discuss their spiritual, emotional and mental well being and growth.
- Teaching: Teaching will be led by our Timothy leaders! They will be interactive and focus on spiritual disciplines in their relationship with Christ.
- Leadership: These sessions will vary in their style from interactive activities to FUN learning about themselves and who God created them uniquely to be! We will break down how the Tim’s can foster their unique gifts to build His kingdom.
- Guest Teaching: We have an exciting line up of guest speakers to teach on various expressions of REVIVAL. This will either be alongside the Timothy Two participants or in our own community.
- Fellowship: We have put together a creative variation of fun activities to alter what is traditionally known at camp as evening program. This is a time to simply hang out through different activities prepared by both us and some of you (stay tuned for more info on this!).
- Faith in Jesus, and the recommendation of a pastor/youth leader at their church
- 15 years old or completed grade 9
- Acceptance into the program through successful completion of our application process
Cost for Tim 1: $100+HST (For financial assistance inquiries please contact your local ministry unit or Ontario Camping Ministries.)
Timothy 2:
The Tim 2 (2020) Program is a 6-week virtual Leadership Development Program fostering the fundamental characteristics of the traditional Timothy Program and Ontario Camping Ministries. Participants will have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God, themselves, and each other while developing leadership skills and knowledge of what camp has to offer.
The Tim 2’s will participate in:
- Community: Through planned sessions provided by our Tim 2 leadership staff, participants will join together and take part in games, theme nights, and open discussion times.
- Corporate Worship: The Tim 2 participants will join together for worship once a week and will be taught by various spiritual leaders within the Salvation Army.
- Mentoring: The Tim 2’s will be able to mentor one another through small groups and will also have the opportunity to be mentored through meetings with the Tim 2 leadership staff.
- Personal Growth: There will be sessions focused solely on deepening the Tim 2’s understanding of themselves, with the goal of setting them up to be more emotionally aware and present in any situation. Being comfortable with yourself and knowing who you are is a key part of being a good leader!
- Guest Teaching: The Timothy staff have put together an exciting lineup of guest speakers who will touch on different aspects of our theme, REVIVAL. These sessions will take places along with the Tim 1 participants. Various other guests will be brought in to talk to the Tim 2’s on self growth, ministry opportunities, spiritual growth, and discipleship.
- Panel Discussions: Panels of previous camp staff will be able to speak to the joys and challenges of working at camp and give insights into the various jobs that can be applied for in years to come.
- Leadership: The Tim 2’s will have a chance to grow in their leadership skills with the goal of making them more comfortable spiritual leaders who will then be able to participate in a corps or community setting throughout the year.
Cost for Tim 2: There is none! AND, all Tim two’s who complete the full 6 weeks will receive an honorarium with graduation!